So Emily
and I just got back from a very successful California A-zone hunt on Wilderness
Unlimited Leased Lands and a old deer club Emily's family belongs to. The trip was amazing since we not only “Tagged Out” but
we were able to spend quality time with family in the outdoors.
The Limbsaver Proton, Victory Arrows and Ulmer Edge Broadheads did the trick again. I love this setup!
brought us on the hunt for Pigs at a ranch near Hopland, CA. We were able to
get on some pigs but were never able to get within bow range. That evening we
all split up to cover some likely areas where pigs were crossing that morning.
I picked a fence line that had some good rooting earlier. Toward the very end
of my hike I heard pigs rooting under an Oak tree about 100 yards ahead of me.
I closed the distance and put an arrow in the boiler room of a nice 80lb boar
at 26 yards. Pigs are sometimes so oblivious (when they are feeding) that with
the right wind you can literally walk right up to them! Pork Chops for Dinner!The rest of the trip was filled with hikes and laughs around camp. We felt so fortunate to go home with happy hearts and heavy coolers. Another A zone season is in the bag and we cannot wait for our next hunts in October for Mule Deer. Now the Butcher work begins!